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The Brotherhood of Light
The Side Effects of Death
The side effects of death are important to understand so the dying
individual knows what to expect.
In the process of death, the strands of identity, which are bound into the
physical nervous system, are loosened, and karma is rearranged. Karma looks
externally like bunches of fruit and it binds the soul to the body. It is,
in a sense, the fruit of ones actions appearing as bright shining grapes
and apples, or dark shredded coconuts, and shriveled grapes. Bright karma
has been expressed in a positive way, and used in the service of
spirituality and compassion. Dark, hard, dry, karma has been suppressed,
but it still waits to be expressed weighing down the soul. Dried, wrinkled
karma has been expressed, but it did not serve spiritual goals.
As the soul is loosened from the confines of the body, the karma is
rearranged, and there are pieces that fly apart. Emotions separate from
ideas, memories separate from identity, impulse separates from rational
thought. A strong soul unites these elements and rises from the body. A
weak or cursed soul rises in pieces, and the side effect of this is that
much of the life is lost. When the Greeks spoke of the Lethe, the
river of forgetfulness, they
spoke metaphorically - one who drinks from those waters is one who swims
from the body rather than flies.
A soul in flight has what it needs,
supported by the power of breath, the wind which links the spirit to the
higher worlds. The weaker soul must struggle through the darkness and
desire, weighed down by the karma, which has not been expressed, like rocks
tied to the ankles of the soul. They draw the soul down to the dark, wet
winds of rapid reincarnation, and the soul mindlessly falls into the
waiting womb, and to a body bound for passion and rebirth.
Conscious reincarnation is a much slower process. All the different
aspects of life are balanced, and a body found which can best help the
person along the spiritual path. It is something like a near-death life
review - the karma rises so that the soul can perceive it. The soul may
then choose to express it in positive ways, or to burn it in a life of
self-sacrifice and renunciation. In such a life, the good die young, but
their karma has been burned, and the future is bright of them.
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Death, Reincarnation, and Karma
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Traveling Spiritually |
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